The Soulful Doctor

In addition to her medical and surgical training, Eunice has also trained as an Interfaith Minister and Spiritual Counsellor, obtained an MA in Applied Spirituality and has studied Ageless Wisdom teachings/ Esoteric Philosophy with Universal Medicine. She is a practitioner of the Sacred Esoteric Healing Arts.

Her combined trainings give her a unique insight into the understanding of illness and disease and healing based on a true holistic and energetic understanding of the human being.


Eunice provides one-to-one consultations for clients to approach any issue based on the wisdom of the soul. These consultations can be purely talking or a combination of talking and body work using the esoteric modalities. They are not a replacement or alternative to conventional medicine but are complementary to it.


In addition Eunice Minford gives talks to the public on matters pertaining to religion/spiritual wisdom, health and wellbeing from a holistic and energetic perspective. These talks provide a deeper understanding of life, the human condition, illness, disease, healing and a wide range of other topics are available.

For more information on the services provided see The Soulful Doctor website and for appointments or to invite Eunice to speak on these subjects you can contact her via the contact form.

Contact Eunice